URL Redirects in Showit

Add 301 redirects to improve your SEO

Jason Lackey avatar
Written by Jason Lackey
Updated over a week ago

Also Available: URL Redirects in WordPress

Redirects allow you to easily forward outdated URLs to relevant new pages. This improves SEO as well as the experience for your website visitors.

Note: If the page you wish to redirect exists by name in Showit, the Showit page will take precedence over the redirect. You will need to rename the page so you can redirect properly.

How To Add and Manage URL Redirects in Showit

URL redirects are managed in the Site Settings panel, which can be opened by clicking the Site Settings button in the Site panel on the left.

When the Site Settings pop-up window opens, click Edit next to your domain name. (This requires that you already have added a custom domain name. If you haven't, step through the domain setup wizard).

Now click on the gear icon near the top right of the Update Domain window.

Add the old page slug (the part of the URL after your domain name) and the destination URL (where you'd like the old URL to be forwarded to), and click Add.

The destination URL can be a full URL string, like http://example.com/page-name or just the page slug, like page-name. If the destination URL has more than one slash after the domain name, be sure to include the full URL path, like http://example.com/full/path/to/page, rather than just full/path/to/page.

After you add the new redirect entry, it will be added to the list of redirects below.

Helpful Tips

URLs are not case-sensitive. If a user enters a URL at your domain with mixed-case characters, like https://example.com/My-Page, Showit will automatically interpret that as https://example.com/my-page.

WWW can be enforced. You can now choose if you want to add www before your domain name, like https://www.example.com,  or leave it off, like https://example.com. Whichever you choose, the opposite will forward to your preference. For example, if you've chosen to add www to your domain name, and someone types https://example.com, it will automatically forward to https://www.example.com (and vice-versa).

Canonical URLs are automatically generated. If you have added a canonical URL meta tag to your Custom Head HTML field, you will need to remove that.

404 Pages

Custom 404 pages can be created in Showit to handle missing and incorrect URLs. Learn how to create a custom 404 page in Showit.

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